2.5 Focusing on People

Human Rights

Hafnia supports the United Nations Universal Decla- ration of Human Rights and the standards advised by the International Labour Organization. We take proactive measures to prevent violations.

Human rights risks

Human rights risks we are exposed to across the supply chain have been identified as:

  • Our suppliers and business partners across the globe with a different appreciation of human rights
  • Our crew and employee working conditions
Our policies and actions

Hafnia prohibits every form of modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, child labour, torture, personnel required to pay recruitment fees or deposits, destroy, confiscate, or conceal identity or immigration documents.

Hafnia suppliers are required to strictly comply with the Suppliers Code of Conduct, and are expected
to follow regulations prohibiting human trafficking, complying with all applicable laws in the countries from which they operate.

Seafarers are sometimes from countries with inad- equate records and ineffective policing concerning abuse of human rights, labour rights and relatedcorruption activities. To this effect, we remain vigilant on both internally and externally managed vessels with designated team members overseeing recruit- ment processes and behaviours onboard to ensure all processes in relation to people run smoothly.

We ensure that our people and business partners treat others with respect and dignity and ensure an environment which is free from physical, psycholog- ical, and verbal harassment or abusive conduct. Salaries are paid when stated, are above the living wage, with working hours compliant with local regulation. Three-month tenures are applicable to our at sea staff to preserve their physical and mental health.

The total workforce is provided with written agreements of employment, clearly setting out conditions and rights. The withholding of passports or personal effects is forbidden.

Looking ahead

In 2023, Hafnia plans to conduct a deep dive into the Human Rights topic even further, by mapping the high-risk areas and considering whether suppliers must be screened against Human Rights criteria.

2.6 Integrity & Business Ethics

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